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Then why not create a Facebook Fundraiser for Cat Haven. We are listed under our incorporated name of Cat Welfare Society.

    • Log into Facebook.
    • Just click here.
    • Then click Select Charity and search for Cat Welfare Society.
    • You can then enter your title of the fundraiser and details on why you are raising money.
    • Then click Create.
    • You can then share your Fundraiser with Friends and Groups.


Save your Bottles and donate to Containers for Change using our Scheme id

Scheme ID (C10294441): Cat Haven WA


Perhaps a cat has played an important part in yours or a loved one’s lives. Or you simply care about animal welfare.
Why not leave a lasting legacy by leaving funds or property to Cat Haven in your Will.

For nearly 60 years now, Cat Haven has been at the forefront of Cat Welfare in WA. We are the only “Open Admission” shelter in WA and we never say “No” to any cat, no matter how full we are, or the condition of the cat. Over the years, we have taken in tens of thousands of cats, and have rehomed many. We provide a low cost on-site cat sterilisation clinic – we believe that no one should be denied the companionship of their much loved cat, simply due to financial hardship.

We have lobbied for years for the introduction of State-wide cats laws which would ensure all cats are sterilised prior to being able to breed. These laws have now been enforced, and now we enter a new phase of cat welfare.

Making Sure Your Gift is Managed Well

Our current site which has served us well for 40 years needs to be rebuilt as we can only hold a maximum of 300 cats and are often full. Your bequest would help us redevelop the shelter over time and keep more cats alive and rehomed to loving homes. We need to provide a more enriching environment for the cats entrusted to our care. We also need to develop a separate sick cat recuperation room to help with their recovery and keep sick cats away from our healthy cats, and have a wish list for a special adoption room separate from the reception area.

All of the costs of running our services have to be raised by us each year. We receive minimal government funding to operate any of our services and we have to rely on the generosity of the general public to operate. Any bequests are invested carefully and the interest is used across our annual budget to cover our running costs where needed.

Why not Leave a Lasting Legacy by Considering Cat Haven in Your Will

A will makes your wishes clear, leaves nothing to chance and allows you to provide as you choose. It also gives you the opportunity to leave a lasting gift in the form of a bequest.

We understand that family and friends are at the forefront of your thoughts when considering these decisions. Perhaps though, when you have provided for loved ones, you could consider assisting long term cat welfare in WA via a bequest to Cat Haven. We can also make arrangements for us to care for and rehome your cat.

Please speak to us at Cat Haven, ask for a copy of our Bequests Brochure and we recommend that you take advice from your legal advisor, Public Trustee or other professional Will maker whilst making your Will.

You can also complete and return the Pet Surrender Form and Cat Profile and return them to us now in advance so that we are aware of your wishes in the event of your death, which will ensure we are prepared and help smooth the process for your cat.
After You’re Gone, We Promise To Be There For Your Cat.

Cat Custodians is a service provided by Cat Haven aimed at giving you peace of mind if you are concerned about what might happen if you pass away before your cat.

Cat Haven Cats Custodians Frequently Asked Questions

If you are considering asking us to take care of your cat, we understand that you’re likely to have a few questions about our Cat Custodians service. Here are the answers to some of the most common questions we get asked:

How much does the service cost?

The Cat Custodians service is free of charge however, we anticipate that you will choose to leave us a gift in your Will, as a way of saying thank you for promising to make arrangements for the care of their feline friend.

Gifts in Wills are vital to the work of Cat Haven and any gift could make an incredible difference to the lives of the cats and kittens we help in future.

How many cats are you willing to look after as part of the scheme?

Whilst we don’t have a formal limit on the number of cats we will take into our care, there are obvious difficulties in finding space at short notice for a large number of cats. If you have more than four cats, please get in touch to speak with us about your circumstances.

What if I get a new cat?

Once you have registered with our Cat Custodians service, we will promise to look after any cat(s) you may have when you pass away, not just the ones you have when you register. However, any updated information about your cats is always useful, as it ensures we can provide the best possible care for them when the time comes.

How do I register with the Cat Custodians service?

Firstly, just complete the registration form found in our Cat Custodians Brochure here and return it to us at Cat Haven. If you have more than one cat, please use a continuation form to register any additional cats. Cat Profile form can be downloaded here and Cat Surrender Form here.

Once we receive your form we will ensure that this information is included on our database.

We will then send you out your notification items (wallet card, notification form), which you can use to alert your friends and family to the fact you have registered to the Cat Custodians service.

You will need to make sure you include instructions in your Will that confirms you would like Cat Haven to look after your cat(s) in the event of your death. Our suggested clause for this is: My Executors should contact Cat Welfare Society t/as Cat Haven (Licensed Charity Number 17686) 23 Lemnos Street, Shenton Park, WA, 6008 to arrange for the care of any cats that I may own at the time of my death

How would you find out that I’ve died?

Once you register with our Cats Custodians scheme you should let your family, friends, neighbours and the executors of your Will know that you have made arrangements for Cats Haven to care for your cats in the event of your death.

Furthermore, we will provide you with a wallet card, which can be kept on you at all times, and a notification form, that can be kept with your personal documents. These items have all of our relevant contact details, and have space to put down information about your cats too.

What will happen once you have been informed of my death?

As soon as we are informed that someone who is registered with our Cat Custodians service has died, our support teams will liaise with our local staff and volunteers to make arrangements for the immediate care of the cats in question as a priority.

Once in our care, all cats will get a thorough professional vet health check as well as vaccination, sterilisation and micro chipping as appropriate.

What happens if my family offer to take the pet?

Our Cat Custodians service is to cover eventualities where alternative provisions cannot be made for your cat’s care. If a family member or friend is subsequently willing to offer your cat the care it needs, then we will explore that option first, providing it is in the best interest of your cat.

Will my cat be rehomed or kept by Cat Haven?

You can rest assured that we will never give up trying to find your cat a loving new home, no matter how long it takes. Once in our care your cat will be subject to our normal policies and procedures, including sterilisation, vaccination, micro chipping and adoption or fostering.

Can you care for my cat but not rehome it?

At Cat Haven we believe that finding a loving new home is the best thing for the cats in our care, no matter how long it takes. We would ensure that any potential new home matches your cat’s individual needs and requirements. We appreciate that some cats are harder to rehome than others – but you can rest assured that we never put a healthy Cat Custodian registered cat to sleep, no matter how long they stay with us before we find them a home. The welfare of cats in our care is paramount to Cat Haven and only if your cat shows signs of extreme pain or has a serious illness that cannot be cured, would be consider making the decision to humanely euthanise your cats.

Can you rehome my cats together?

If you wish for your cats to be rehomed together, you should mention this to us. Although we cannot guarantee that this will be possible, we will do everything we can to honour your wishes.

In every event, we always do what is in the best interests of the cats in our care. If trying to find a single owner for more than one cat results in them spending longer than necessary in one of our branches or centres, then we would have to review the situation. However, in the vast majority of cases it is often understood that is better to keep these cats together and we pride ourselves on being able to find them a loving new home with this in mind

Do you assess the suitability of potential new owners?

To ensure we are finding the cats in our care the right home, we have a comprehensive procedure, which includes a series of questions about the lifestyle, home location, council requirements, other pets and family members in the household.

How do I ensure my wishes are acted upon?

As part of the registration process we ask that you include a clause in your Will about these arrangements. Our suggested clause for this is: My Executors should contact Cat Welfare Society t/as Cat Haven (Licensed Charity Number 17686) 23 Lemnos Street, Shenton Park, WA, 6008 to arrange for the care of any cats that I may own at the time of my death.

Your executor will be the person responsible for carrying out your wishes, so we further recommend that you inform them of the arrangements you have made with us and provide them with the contact details found on the materials we provide.

What happens if I just have an emergency, rather than pass away?

As terrible as these situations are, Cat Haven simply doesn’t have the capacity to take in an individual’s cats on a temporary basis. As a charity, we rely entirely on the funding of our incredibly kind and generous supporters and our resources are stretched further and further every year, making provisions such as these are rarely possible.

In situations such as these, we recommend you start by checking your pet insurance policy as some insurers will pay for the cost of boarding fees when an owner is hospitalised.

It is also very important that you ensure that your cat’s vaccinations are always up to date in case they need to go into boarding urgently as this is a requirement in our Boarding facility.

Your membership of the Cat Welfare Society will assist Cat Haven to improve cat welfare in Western Australia and to provide care and rehoming facilities for rescued and surrendered cats.

Members receive:

  • Regular Cat Chat magazine
  • 10% off all in-store products
  • 10% discount on Boarding
  • Invitations to Cat Haven events
  • Eligibility to vote and to serve on the Board of Management (for members aged 18 years and over).

You can print your membership form here.

Click here to pay for your membership.


Corporate or Personal Pen Sponsorship Available Cat Haven is looking for generous Pen Sponsors to help towards the cost of keeping our stray and lost cats in their pens, or to help fund the costs of interim vet treatment of our younger Special Needs Cats. Corporate or personal cat pen sponsors will receive their own engraved plaque on their cat pen. Corporate pen sponsors will also be recognised on our website and in our Cat Chat magazine.

Corporate Pen Sponsorship is only $795 p/a and Personal Pen Sponsorship is just $495 p/a.

Please email if you are interested. More information and a sponsorship application form can be found in our Pen Sponsorship Brochure.

See some of our generous sponsors here


Sponsor Cat Haven - Corporate Sponsorship

We are always looking for corporate sponsors to help fund all aspects of running the shelter, from building and maintenance, to veterinary treatment, power, water and staffing costs. It costs $28 per day to keep a cat at the shelter and we need your corporate support to do this. We offer a whole range of brand exposure and partnership opportunities in return for your sponsorship dollar - please see our Corporate Sponsorship Brochure for more information or contact

Things Our Cats Need

As a not-for-profit organisation Cat Haven is always in need of the following items in a clean, reasonable condition for our cats. They can be dropped off any day of the week during our opening hours and will make the lives of the cats in our care more comfortable.
  • Towels, knitted blankets,linen and fleece blankets for bedding. * NOTE: We cannot use, sheets, thick blankets, doonas, pillows, electric blankets, old unsaleable clothes or quilts of any kind.
  • Cat Litter - bags of unwanted cat litter are always welcome.
  • Unwanted cat furniture, cat toys, cat bowls,litter trays & scoops, cat beds and cat carriers. We cannot use if badly soiled or broken. Special items such as CD players are often needed - these are kept in the cat sheds and used to play music to keep the cats calm. Please call ahead to check requirements.

Things Staff and Volunteers Need

We are also always in need of items for our office, to assist with the day to day running of the shelter.  We can use the following items, in a clean, reasonable and working condition.
  • A4 copy paper - white
  • Stationery items eg. pens, pencils, erasers, white out, post it notes, note books etc.
  • Stamps
  • Tea, coffee, sugar for our kitchen

Please note at the moment we do not require filing solutions such as lever arch files.

You can now shop online at your favourite stores and donate to Cat Haven at the same time! It is practically guilt free online shopping! All you need to do is go online and join Shopnate. You can then purchase items online, through their specified stores at no extra cost to you. These shops will then donate to Cat Haven. It's that easy! Check it out here:
Gift in Lieu vouchers make the perfect gift for someone who has everything, and helps out Cat Haven at the same time!

Each voucher sold donates to a specific cat or kitten, or contributes to one of our valuable sources.

Our Gift in Lieu vouchers come in five different types and price points, and are sent out to your address (or an address of your choice) laminated.

The different types are:

  • Flea and Worm Treatment - $10
  • Feed a Cat for a Week - $25
  • Provide a Cat a Foster Home - $50
  • Provide a Cat a Sterilisation and Microchip - $100
  • Help Keep our Cat Rescue Service on the Road - $100

To purchase one of our Gift in Lieu vouchers you can easily and quickly order in our online shop, or phone Customer Service Supervisor on (08) 9442 3644.

Donation tins are an easy way to help raise the funds needed to keep our Foster Care Program running. This money goes directly to saving lives.

It costs us $25 for each cat and kitten that we put through our Foster Care Program. Can you help us raise the estimated $50,000 we need to ensure that we can continue this vital program by taking a tin to your workplace, asking at your local cafe or video store, or anywhere that would be willing to take a tin. Please contact Roz Robinson on (08) 9442 3677 or email for further information.

Cat Haven would like to thank the following vet clinics, businesses and individuals for taking on a donation tin to help raise funds for our Foster Care Program.

Vet clinics Businesses Individuals
All Creatures Andrew Lynn & Associates Angela
Attadale Vet Clinic Baker's Delight Cockburn Central Anon
Balcatta Vet Begonia Pets & Produce Kelly Ang
Bayswater Vet Bennet & Company Grace Archer
City Beach Vet Clinic Better Pets and Gardens Clarkson Madelyn Chen
Claremont Vet Better Pets and Gardens Belmont Kristie Clay
Grantham Street Vet Better Pets and Gardens Bibra Lake Mandy Coldham
Jandakot Vet Clinic Better Pets and Gardens Wangara Helen Cook
Karrinyup Vet Brumby's Applecross Brian Flett
Lynwood Vets Cannington Ed Support Glennis Freeman
Melville Vet Clinic Craigie Gym Anne Ghisalbert
Mirabooka Vet Culley's Tea Rooms Isobel Grigg
Nedlands Vet Department of Defence Pat Hakanson
Perth Vet Emergency ECU Gym Rob Hamilton
Riverton-Rossmoyne Vet Flinders Pharmacy Jane Harrison
Rockingham Vet Gaia Resources Alan Hassan
Vet West Canning Vale Gybney's Dry Cleaners Cassie Houghton
Vet West Clarkson Gull Como Mrs Jarvis
Vet West Currambine Herdsman's Markets Francis Kimberley
Vet West Duncraig IGA Hamilton Hill Michelle Merendino
Vet West Hillarys IGA Wenbley Joyce Molnar
Vet West Yokine IGA Wembley Downs Karla O'Brien
Willetton Vet Jackie E Philippa O'Brien
  Joy Cafe Restaurant Shelley Ockelford
  Lush Cosmetics Garden City Caito Smith
  Margaret River Hemp Co Fremantle Sally Smith
  Medfin Perth Kim Stannard-Brown
  Melville Markets Sri Terrell
  Mundaring Pets Tracy Terrill
  My Pet Warehouse Osborne Park Inna Turner
  Paris Crepes Cafe Fremantle Joyce Ying
  Pet City Morley  
  Pet Magic Bibra Lake  
  Pet Magic Cannington  
  Pet Stock Balcatta  
  The Porn Shop  
  Prestige Shoe Repairs  
  Pure & Natural Fremantle  
  Select Pets Bicton  
  South Street Pet Supplies  
  Storage King  
  TAB East Perth  
  Tree of Life Health & Welness  
  Video Lounge Como  
  Waldeck's Como  
  Waldeck's Cockburn Central  
  Waldeck's Subiaco  

Care Home Residents and Staff Can Have the Joy of a Companion Cat with Guaranteed Ongoing Support  – You Give the Love and Cat Haven Does All the Work

Cat Haven commenced a new Care Home Adoption Program for mature cats from the shelter in 2014. As older cats are often overlooked for adoption, they can remain in a cat pen for many months which can be detrimental to the cat’s health and wellbeing.

Our aim is to encourage Perth Nursing Homes, Assisted Living and Retirement Homes to adopt these older, more sedate cats to become a communal cat at the home, to give joy and comfort to residents. We supply the appropriate companion cat, the initial 6kg bag of Hill's food, 12 month's worm and flea treatment, annual vaccinations and all the cat's health management for free!

Please contact Roz Robinson, Cat Haven CEO for more information on 9442 3677 or email

Download our Nursing Homes Companion Cat brochure here.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is proposed?

A staged rebuild with the consolidation and collocation of functions will improve workflows across the site whilst expanding useable area by building up. Stage 1 will see the demolition of the existing ‘cottage’ (admin, foster) with a double storey building in its place comprising sort/intake, clinic, office, and training facilities. Upon completion, the former clinic building will be refurbished for our foster operations and the former sort/intake area will be refurbished as dedicated volunteer amenities.

Stage 2 will be the consolidation and rebuild of cat accommodation facilities for holding, adoptions and boarding.

Stage 3 will see the removal of all remaining buildings/structures and replacement with the balance of facilities (quarantine, foster, utilities, store, maintenance). Subject to funding, options will be considered for a separate redevelopment of the existing reception/retail building and carpark.

What options have been considered?

Seven options were reviewed with six deemed unviable. Refurbishing or extending our facilities would not materially change underlying issues. Equally, doing nothing would just defer issues. Changing our business model to outsource clinical services would result in a loss of control, clinical cost increases, and potential reduction of service. Relocating our operations to an alternate site would allow for a bespoke build however previous investigations have not identified suitable land like our current site.

The last option is to rebuild on the existing site. A full demolition and rebuild would require relocation to a temporary facility to maintain operations with considerable setup costs. A staged rebuild would allow for continued operations, albeit with manageable disruption. The staged option would see smaller packages of work undertaken and, whilst taking overall longer to deliver, would likely be more palatable to funding stakeholders.

Why now?

Capacity Planning: Addressing
infrastructure needs now allows us to proactively prepare for potential
increases in cat intake volumes. By expanding capacity and improving facilities ahead of anticipated changes in the Cat Act, we can better accommodate the needs of a larger cat population without compromising on care standards or overcrowding.

Operational Efficiency: Upgrading
facilities now improves operational efficiency and effectiveness, enabling us
to handle higher intake volumes more seamlessly. This will help facilitate
smoother operations, reduce stress on staff and volunteers, and ensure optimal
care for all cats. 

Compliance with Regulations:
Anticipated changes to the Cat Act may introduce new requirements or standards for animal welfare organisations. By undertaking the project now, we can proactively ensure compliance with future regulations, avoiding potential penalties or legal challenges associated with non-compliance. It also ensures we remain able to respond if smaller welfare organisations cannot.

Financial Considerations: Delaying
the project may result in increased costs in the long run. As cat intake volumes rise, we may face greater strain on existing facilities, leading to higher maintenance expenses, increased operational costs (particularly via
outsourcing), and potential emergency repairs.

Animal Welfare: Every day that Cat
Haven operates with inadequate facilities, cats may suffer due to overcrowding or substandard living conditions. Acting promptly to improve facilities means providing a better quality of life for cats in need, minimising their
suffering, and maximising their chances of adoption.

What are the benefits of the redevelopment?

Improved Animal Welfare: Upgrading
facilities will provide better conditions for the cats, including better ventilation, temperature control, and space, leading to enhanced physical and mental well-being.

Enhanced Health and Safety:
Modernised facilities will improve infection control, reducing the risk of
diseases among the cats and workers. This also ensures a safer environment for visitors.

Increased Adoption Rates: With
improved facilities and a more welcoming environment, potential adopters are more likely to visit Cat Haven and consider adopting. This can lead to higher adoption rates and reduced overcrowding.

Better Working Conditions: Upgraded
facilities will improve the working environment for our workers, fostering improved morale and productivity. This includes ergonomic workspaces, improved lighting, dedicated volunteer amenities, and better-equipped medical facilities.

Community Engagement: A new Cat Haven will serve as a hub for community engagement, hosting events, workshops, and educational programs. This will foster a sense of community involvement and support for cat welfare initiatives including responsible pet ownership.

How does this align with our Strategic Plan?

Our current Strategic Plan is premised around three pillars: organisational sustainability, technology infrastructure, and community and stakeholder engagement. New facilities will ensure Cat Haven can become more efficient with better resource allocation, increased capability, and capacity for care. The integration of new technology will ensure we can deliver the best care to our cats, improve site productivity, and reduce length of stay. Expanded capacity will ensure we can support more local government’s meet their requirements under the Cat Act and increase opportunities to host educators and their students to support the next generation.

What happened to the Lotterywest grant awarded in 2022 for a transportable building?

Cat Haven submitted, and received, development approval in 2023 for a transportable building that was to be installed adjacent the cottage. The project encountered an unforeseen technical issue which would have resulted in a budget blowout requiring considerable additional funding by Cat Haven in addition to the grant. The Board decided to cancel the project as it did not represent good value for money. Lotterywest approved the repurposing of the grant for planning and design of Stage 1 of the redevelopment.

How will the site be impacted during the build and how will this impact the cats?

We will seek to minimise impact to operations during construction. Access around the site will change to facilitate safe access with fencing and signage. There will be temporary facilities in place to allow certain functions to continue operating. The builder will seek to limit noise and vibration as best possible. Calming music and Feliway diffusers will be maintained in the cat accommodation areas.

Will the site be accessible to people of all abilities?

Yes, the new buildings will be compliant with current access requirements including lifts.

What is the cost?

The full site redevelopment is likely to cost in excess of $30m based on a recent similar development undertaken by RSCPA South Australia, however, will be subject to the final scope and when construction is anticipated to be undertaken. The Stage 1 development is likely to cost around $9-$11m, including full fit out and temporary works to support the build.

What is the cost benefit?

Cat Haven delivers an essential community service to the Western Australian community particularly as a place of last resort. Our ongoing operations not only save local government rate payers around $3.4m of direct cat management costs annually, we also conservatively save environmental damages of around $2.6m by removing stray and unwarranted cats from the streets. By 2034 these savings are anticipated to rise to $5m and $4m, respectively, in today’s terms.

Despite saving the Western Australian community annual direct costs of over $3m, our annual Stage Government grant under the Companion Animal Shelter Program is $150,000.

Benefit cost ration modelling for the full redevelopment over a 20 year horizon shows a BCR of circa 3.8.

Who is funding the redevelopment?

Cat Haven is liaising with potential funding stakeholders including the State Government, Lotterywest and private entities.

Cat Haven will contribute some funds toward the redevelopment.

Why can’t this be funded entirely by Cat Haven?

Cat Haven runs at a considerable operating loss every year and must rely nearly entirely on community goodwill. Whilst bequests do provide a welcome source of revenue, they are unpredictable and cannot be quarantined for capital expenditure purposes such as this redevelopment. Cat Haven is attempting to diversify revenue streams through initiatives such as the Op Shop and is undertaking a holistic review of the Cat Management Facility program.

I do not agree with spending on infrastructure when this money could go directly toward the cats. Why can’t this be done?

Cost-Efficiency: While direct spending on cat welfare is crucial, neglecting infrastructure can result in higher operational costs over time due to inefficiencies, maintenance issues, and potential liabilities. By addressing infrastructure needs now, we can reduce long-term expenses and allocate more resources to the cats in the future.

Impact on Animal Welfare: Improved infrastructure creates a healthier and more comfortable environment for the cats, which can lead to reduced medical expenses, improved adoption rates, and overall better welfare outcomes for the cats.

Impact on Worker Welfare: Modern facilities will ensure we can create a collaborative and more efficiently run the organisation. Worker retention (both staff and volunteers) will be improved by providing a comfortable workplace where all workers feel valued and can perform at their best. New facilities will remove legacy hazards and potential liabilities.

Donor Stewardship: Investing in infrastructure not only benefits the cats but also enhances the ability to fulfill our mission and serve the community. Prudent and responsible financial management to date has positioned us to be able to invest in our future and minimise future exposure.

Long-Term Vision: Investing in our infrastructure is part of a comprehensive strategy to build a sustainable and resilient Cat Haven that can continue to provide high-quality care for the cats for years to come. The redevelopment lays the foundation for future growth and success.

Community Impact: A modernised shelter will attract more visitors, volunteers, and support from the community, leading to increased awareness, engagement, and collaboration on cat welfare issues. Our enhanced capacity will ensure we can support the Western Australian community more comprehensively.

Balancing Priorities: We are committed to finding a balance between immediate needs and long-term investments, ensuring that resources are allocated effectively to maximise impact for both the cats and the community.

What consultation has happened and how can I get involved?

Consultation commenced with key staff in late 2023 to ensure functional requirements and building workflows were understood. A designer has been engaged to provide specialist technical input and to further develop the design suitable for development approval.

As the project develops, there will be opportunities for the community to contribute to ways that Cat Haven can celebrate its history.

I am concerned Cat Haven’s identity and the ‘feel’ may change because of the redevelopment, what are you doing to preserve this?

Mission Alignment: Our core mission and values remain unchanged. The redevelopment is aimed at better fulfilling this mission by improving the facilities and services provided to the cats.

Continued Commitment: We dedicated to our primary objective of rescuing cats from the perils of the streets. The redevelopment is intended to enhance our ability to fulfill this commitment, rather than detract from it.

Animal-Centric Approach: Every decision regarding the redevelopment is being made with the cats’ best interests in mind. This includes considerations such as providing comfortable living spaces, enriching environments, and high-quality veterinary care.

Maintaining Core Values: Our core values, such as integrity, respect, kindness, and ongoing improvement, will continue to guide all aspects of our operations, even amidst changes brought about by the redevelopment.

Open Communication: We will maintain open lines of communication throughout the redevelopment process to address any concerns or questions that arise. This will be undertaken through regular project updates and forums to allow our members and the wider community the opportunity to understand the project and its benefits in more detail.