After Hours Emergencies
If your cat requires emergency attention call:
Perth Vet Emergency on 1300 040 400. They are open from 6pm to 8am on weekdays, and 24 hours on weekends and public holidays. They are located at the corner of Wanneroo Road and Royal Street in Yokine.
Alternative emergency centres:
Perth Cat Hospital 52 Oxford Close West Leederville: Phone (08) 6489 2222
North: Balcatta Veterinary Hospital open 24 hours a day: Phone (08) 9345 4644
North: Emergency Vet Hospital, Chokolich Street, Wangara 24 hours a day: Phone (08) 9200 4460
South: Murdoch Veterinary Hospital Murdoch: Phone 1300 652 494
Urgent or Complex Problems
For urgent problems, it is best to see your own vet.
Cat Haven does not have x-ray facilities yet and therefore problems such as fractures are best seen by your usual veterinary clinic.
What Constitutes an Emergency?
- Changes in gum colour – look for very pale, brick-red or chocolaty coloured gums
- Marked lethargy or dullness – sudden changes in level of activity
- A dramatic increase in breathing rate especially if it has not been a hot day
- Seizures, heat stroke, collapse
- Trauma, toxin indigestion, snake bite
- Severe vomiting or diarrhoea (especially with blood)
- Severe blood loss
- Difficulty giving birth – labour of more than 3 hours
Information Sheets
Injuries from cat fight wounds can be serious in terms of the pain and suffering your cat might endure and the cost of veterinary treatment of the abscesses that result. As well as that, the Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (Feline AIDS) is transmitted via bite wounds.Cat saliva and to a lesser extent the material on their claws can harbour a wide range of very nasty bacteria. Problems occur when those bacteria find their way under the skin. Bite wounds are the worst because the offending tooth can penetrate deep into the victim’s tissue. When the tooth withdraws it leaves bacteria behind – basically a hypodermic injection of bacteria. Infection is rapid and the body’s response is to attempt to wall the infection off. Pus is produced very quickly. An abscess forms and these can be very large – from golf ball to tennis ball sized.
Abscesses are very painful. Cats with a Cat Bite Abscess (CBA) have a fever, usually go off their food and are very tender over the bite wound. You may feel a soft fluid mass. In severe cases bacteria can be released into the bloodstream causing septicaemia. If left untreated the abscess will eventually burst through the skin, leaving a large ulcer. Often, the ulcer will develop an airtight crust and the abscess will reform. Alternatively it may seem to heal but then recur.
Veterinary treatment of CBAs usually requires a general anaesthetic as they are very painful. If the abscess has not burst it may be as simple as lancing the abscess and inserting a soft rubber drain so that fluid can escape and oxygen can get in. If the abscess has already burst it means the skin over the abscess is usually in very poor shape. Damaged skin is trimmed back to healthy skin and then sutured close after inserting a drain. The area may be very large indeed – abscesses on the tail base and lower back can be very extensive.Sometimes it is not possible to suture the area. On the lower limbs and on the tail, for example, the wound may be trimmed back and left as an open wound to heal. Antibiotics are always given for the treatment of abscesses. Pain relief is often given. In rare cases abscesses may be caused by resistant strains of bacteria or with micro-organisms such as Nocardia or Mycobacterium. That can be expensive! A swab for bacterial culture will be needed if the abscess resists treatment. Nocardial abscesses may never heal!
What can you do?
- Prevent fighting in the first place. Keep your cats indoors, especially at night when most roaming and fighting takes place.
- If you know your cat has been in a fight and is off-colour or limping or refusing food/showing signs of pain, an early trip to the vet may save you a lot of money in the long run. Administration of antibiotics before the abscess has had a chance to form has a high success rate. Pain relief will help your cat recover quickly.
- If the abscess has already burst, clip away the surrounding hair so you can assess how big the damaged area is. Occasionally, with thrice daily irrigation of the wound with dilute Betadine, the ulcer will heal. Unfortunately, you run the risk of getting bitten yourself and the abscess often returns. Seek veterinary help.
- Consider vaccinating your cat against FIV.
- Consider Pet Insurance!
What is ringworm?
Ringworm (dermatophytosis) is a type of infectious fungal disease involving the hair, skin and nails/claws. Microsporum canis is the most common fungus responsible for the infection, accounting for 94-99% of feline infections.How is infection spread?
The infective stage of the ringworm fungus is the spore. Spores are microscopic and therefore cannot be seen with the naked eye. They can be spread to a healthy animal by direct contact with an infected animal, or indirectly via a contaminated environment or inanimate object (such as clothing). They can be carried on air currents, dust particles, and fleas. Spores can remain viable in the environment for up to 18 months.
Any cat that comes into contact with spores is at risk for developing ringworm; however there is increased risk associated with being very young or very old, poor nutrition, presence of external parasites (eg. fleas), immunosuppression (eg. FIV), and living in multi-cat facilities/households. Long haired cats, especially Persians and Himalayans are also at increased risk of developing the disease.
The incubation period (the time between infection and appearance of signs of disease) is 1-3 weeks.
What are the signs of infection?
The signs of infection are extremely variable however a common presentation is an irregular or circular patch of peripherally expanding hair loss with scale, crusting and sometimes redness of the skin. The face and distal limbs are most commonly affected, especially in kittens. Itchiness may or may not be noted in cats with “ringworm”.How is it diagnosed?
Use of a Wood’s lamp is a commonly used, quick and easy technique that may be used in the diagnosis or ringworm; however this may result in detection of approximately only 50% of cases. Fungal culture is also commonly used and is regarded as the most reliable diagnostic test; however it can take up to 4 weeks to get results. Due to these difficulties that can be encountered with diagnosis, treatment may be initiated without a definitive diagnosis.How is it treated?
Ringworm is considered a self-limiting disease (most healthy cats that do not receive treatment will recover within several months) however it is usually treated for the following reasons:- To minimise the risk of spreading to people
- To minimise the risk of spreading to other animals
- To decrease contamination of the environment
- To minimise the severity and duration of lesions of those infected
Treatment usually involves topical medication (eg. Malaseb) and oral medication. Topical creams (eg. Canesten) are not recommended.
Can ringworm be spread to people?
Yes! Ringworm is a zoonotic disease (a disease of animals that can be transmitted to humans), and is spread to people in the same manner as for cats. Exposure to the organism does not necessarily result in infection; however there is an increased risk of developing infection in people that are immunosuppressed, very young, or very old.The signs of infection in people are ring shaped areas of scaling and hair loss, with or without redness, crusting and itching. If you are at all concerned you have developed ringworm please visit your GP.
What is Cat Flu?
Cat Flu is a disease of cats usually caused by a virus and is very similar to the human cold and flu. It is usually not life threatening unless the cat has a severe problem with its immune system. Signs of Cat Flu may last from a couple of days to several weeks, and usually include one or a combination of the following:- sneezing
- clear or coloured discharge from the nose and/or eyes
- ulcers on the nose, lips, tongue or gums
- fever, lethargy, loss of appetite (these may be signs of other disease also)
A cat showing the above signs can spread disease to other cats. However once a cat has recovered it may continue to spread disease. Some cats harbor the virus in their body and from time to time can become unwell as a result.
Can Cat Flu be spread to people?
Generally the disease cannot be spread to people, however in some rare cases where the cause is Kennel Cough (Bordatella bronchiseptica), it may be spread to individuals that do not have a fully functional immune system.How common in Cat Flu?
Unfortunately Cat Flu is a common disease of cats worldwide. As much as Cat Haven does to ensure the cats are happy and healthy, they are usually from unknown backgrounds being housed in a shelter situation, both of which may be associated with stress and can result in a cat developing Cat Flu.How is Cat Flu prevented?
Vaccination is used in the prevention of Cat Flu and is effective. It is important to realize that vaccination of your cat will not stop it from getting the virus however it will reduce the severity of the disease.How is Cat Flu treated?
If your cat is seen by a veterinarian, medication such as antibiotics and pain relief may be prescribed. Sometimes when the cat has not been eating or drinking well, fluids may be administered by injection. Generally the most important care of your sick cat needs to be provided by you, the owner. This often involves a combination of the following:- Encouraging your cat to eat and drink is very important if it has lost its appetite as food and water provides essential nutrition to aid recovery. A cat’s nose will often becomes blocked when they have Cat Flu resulting in inappetence. Offering strong smelling food (such as fish) or warming the food can often encourage eating. Hills Prescription A/D food is often palatable to sick cats and is specially formulated for animals that are sick and recovering from disease. You may need to offer several different types of food to your sick cat to find something it will happily eat. Some cats also respond to being patted while near their food to encourage eating.
- Syringe feeding may be required if the above measures do not result in your cat eating. Veterinary staff will instruct you on how to syringe feed.
- Placing the cat in a steamy environment will help clear congested nasal passages. You can place the cat in the bathroom with the door shut while you are having a warm shower, or use a vaporizer if you have access to this.
- Ensure that fresh clean water and a clean litter tray is within easy access.
You should contact Cat Haven on 9442 3600 if you are concerned that your cat is showing signs of Cat Flu. You may be advised to bring your cat in for a consultation with a veterinarian, or you may be given some advice over the phone.
Diarrhoea in cats and especially kittens is a relatively common problem seen at Cat Haven. There are many different possible causes for this problem and thus it can be difficult to diagnose the specific cause. Most cases of diarrhoea will however respond to similar treatment regimes regardless of the cause.At Cat Haven the most common causes we see are the following:
- Sudden change in diet: Cats take time to adjust to a new diet, and any new food should ideally be introduced over a period of a week. Kittens are especially sensitive to any new food, and just one meal of a different food can result in diarrhoea.
- Intestinal parasites: At Cat Haven all cats are treated with broad spectrum de-worming products. In some cases if there is a very severe worm burden, the cat may require several treatments to get rid of all the worms.
- Toxin ingestion: Cats sometimes come to us with a history of having been found in an area where they were eating old food scraps. This food may contain toxins resulting in food poisoning.
- Stress: Stress has a very powerful effect on the immune system and can lower defences against disease.
- Milk and other dairy products: These contain lactose which cannot be digested by cats (and some people!) Appropriate substitutes for milk include cat milk and lactose-free milk. Remember that your pet does not require anything in addition to a complete and balanced food, and fresh clean water.
As mentioned above, the treatment is often the same regardless of the cause, and normally includes the following:
- Fasting: Depending on their age, cats are fasted for a period of 12-48 hours. Your cat should NOT be fasted from water. Sometimes animals with diarrhoea are dehydrated, and withholding water could make a sick cat much worse. During the period of fasting, sugar and electrolytes can be supplemented with solution such as “Lectade” or “Vytrate”.
- Bland Diet: Following the initial period of fasting, a bland diet is fed normally for a period of 3-5 days. At Cat Haven we recommend feeding Hills i/d (Intestinal Diet) as per the manufacturer’s instructions, or thoroughly cooked chicken breast. (Boiling is good since no fat is required in the cooking process). The amount fed will depend on the size of the cat. Hills i/d can be fed to kittens as their usual diet, so feeding with this can continue after the “bland diet” stage.
- Gradual introduction onto normal diet: Following the period of feeding bland food, a gradual introduction back onto the usual diet can take place over a period of 1 week.
- Worming treatment: This may be repeated if a severe worm burden is suspected
- Probiotics: This may help to balance the normal bacterial flora of the intestines quicker
- Antimicrobials: These may be indicated if the cat has a fever or is passing blood and/mucous with the faeces
Click here for a link to helpful information about how to keep your indoor cat healthy.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is proposed?
A staged rebuild with the consolidation and collocation of functions will improve workflows across the site whilst expanding useable area by building up. Stage 1 will see the demolition of the existing ‘cottage’ (admin, foster) with a double storey building in its place comprising sort/intake, clinic, office, and training facilities. Upon completion, the former clinic building will be refurbished for our foster operations and the former sort/intake area will be refurbished as dedicated volunteer amenities.
Stage 2 will be the consolidation and rebuild of cat accommodation facilities for holding, adoptions and boarding.
Stage 3 will see the removal of all remaining buildings/structures and replacement with the balance of facilities (quarantine, foster, utilities, store, maintenance). Subject to funding, options will be considered for a separate redevelopment of the existing reception/retail building and carpark.
What options have been considered?
Seven options were reviewed with six deemed unviable. Refurbishing or extending our facilities would not materially change underlying issues. Equally, doing nothing would just defer issues. Changing our business model to outsource clinical services would result in a loss of control, clinical cost increases, and potential reduction of service. Relocating our operations to an alternate site would allow for a bespoke build however previous investigations have not identified suitable land like our current site.
The last option is to rebuild on the existing site. A full demolition and rebuild would require relocation to a temporary facility to maintain operations with considerable setup costs. A staged rebuild would allow for continued operations, albeit with manageable disruption. The staged option would see smaller packages of work undertaken and, whilst taking overall longer to deliver, would likely be more palatable to funding stakeholders.
Why now?
Capacity Planning: Addressing
infrastructure needs now allows us to proactively prepare for potential
increases in cat intake volumes. By expanding capacity and improving facilities ahead of anticipated changes in the Cat Act, we can better accommodate the needs of a larger cat population without compromising on care standards or overcrowding.
Operational Efficiency: Upgrading
facilities now improves operational efficiency and effectiveness, enabling us
to handle higher intake volumes more seamlessly. This will help facilitate
smoother operations, reduce stress on staff and volunteers, and ensure optimal
care for all cats.
Compliance with Regulations:
Anticipated changes to the Cat Act may introduce new requirements or standards for animal welfare organisations. By undertaking the project now, we can proactively ensure compliance with future regulations, avoiding potential penalties or legal challenges associated with non-compliance. It also ensures we remain able to respond if smaller welfare organisations cannot.
Financial Considerations: Delaying
the project may result in increased costs in the long run. As cat intake volumes rise, we may face greater strain on existing facilities, leading to higher maintenance expenses, increased operational costs (particularly via
outsourcing), and potential emergency repairs.
Animal Welfare: Every day that Cat
Haven operates with inadequate facilities, cats may suffer due to overcrowding or substandard living conditions. Acting promptly to improve facilities means providing a better quality of life for cats in need, minimising their
suffering, and maximising their chances of adoption.
What are the benefits of the redevelopment?
Improved Animal Welfare: Upgrading
facilities will provide better conditions for the cats, including better ventilation, temperature control, and space, leading to enhanced physical and mental well-being.
Enhanced Health and Safety:
Modernised facilities will improve infection control, reducing the risk of
diseases among the cats and workers. This also ensures a safer environment for visitors.
Increased Adoption Rates: With
improved facilities and a more welcoming environment, potential adopters are more likely to visit Cat Haven and consider adopting. This can lead to higher adoption rates and reduced overcrowding.
Better Working Conditions: Upgraded
facilities will improve the working environment for our workers, fostering improved morale and productivity. This includes ergonomic workspaces, improved lighting, dedicated volunteer amenities, and better-equipped medical facilities.
Community Engagement: A new Cat Haven will serve as a hub for community engagement, hosting events, workshops, and educational programs. This will foster a sense of community involvement and support for cat welfare initiatives including responsible pet ownership.
How does this align with our Strategic Plan?
Our current Strategic Plan is premised around three pillars: organisational sustainability, technology infrastructure, and community and stakeholder engagement. New facilities will ensure Cat Haven can become more efficient with better resource allocation, increased capability, and capacity for care. The integration of new technology will ensure we can deliver the best care to our cats, improve site productivity, and reduce length of stay. Expanded capacity will ensure we can support more local government’s meet their requirements under the Cat Act and increase opportunities to host educators and their students to support the next generation.
What happened to the Lotterywest grant awarded in 2022 for a transportable building?
Cat Haven submitted, and received, development approval in 2023 for a transportable building that was to be installed adjacent the cottage. The project encountered an unforeseen technical issue which would have resulted in a budget blowout requiring considerable additional funding by Cat Haven in addition to the grant. The Board decided to cancel the project as it did not represent good value for money. Lotterywest approved the repurposing of the grant for planning and design of Stage 1 of the redevelopment.
How will the site be impacted during the build and how will this impact the cats?
We will seek to minimise impact to operations during construction. Access around the site will change to facilitate safe access with fencing and signage. There will be temporary facilities in place to allow certain functions to continue operating. The builder will seek to limit noise and vibration as best possible. Calming music and Feliway diffusers will be maintained in the cat accommodation areas.
Will the site be accessible to people of all abilities?
Yes, the new buildings will be compliant with current access requirements including lifts.
What is the cost?
The full site redevelopment is likely to cost in excess of $30m based on a recent similar development undertaken by RSCPA South Australia, however, will be subject to the final scope and when construction is anticipated to be undertaken. The Stage 1 development is likely to cost around $9-$11m, including full fit out and temporary works to support the build.
What is the cost benefit?
Cat Haven delivers an essential community service to the Western Australian community particularly as a place of last resort. Our ongoing operations not only save local government rate payers around $3.4m of direct cat management costs annually, we also conservatively save environmental damages of around $2.6m by removing stray and unwarranted cats from the streets. By 2034 these savings are anticipated to rise to $5m and $4m, respectively, in today’s terms.
Despite saving the Western Australian community annual direct costs of over $3m, our annual Stage Government grant under the Companion Animal Shelter Program is $150,000.
Benefit cost ration modelling for the full redevelopment over a 20 year horizon shows a BCR of circa 3.8.
Who is funding the redevelopment?
Cat Haven is liaising with potential funding stakeholders including the State Government, Lotterywest and private entities.
Cat Haven will contribute some funds toward the redevelopment.
Why can’t this be funded entirely by Cat Haven?
Cat Haven runs at a considerable operating loss every year and must rely nearly entirely on community goodwill. Whilst bequests do provide a welcome source of revenue, they are unpredictable and cannot be quarantined for capital expenditure purposes such as this redevelopment. Cat Haven is attempting to diversify revenue streams through initiatives such as the Op Shop and is undertaking a holistic review of the Cat Management Facility program.
I do not agree with spending on infrastructure when this money could go directly toward the cats. Why can’t this be done?
Cost-Efficiency: While direct spending on cat welfare is crucial, neglecting infrastructure can result in higher operational costs over time due to inefficiencies, maintenance issues, and potential liabilities. By addressing infrastructure needs now, we can reduce long-term expenses and allocate more resources to the cats in the future.
Impact on Animal Welfare: Improved infrastructure creates a healthier and more comfortable environment for the cats, which can lead to reduced medical expenses, improved adoption rates, and overall better welfare outcomes for the cats.
Impact on Worker Welfare: Modern facilities will ensure we can create a collaborative and more efficiently run the organisation. Worker retention (both staff and volunteers) will be improved by providing a comfortable workplace where all workers feel valued and can perform at their best. New facilities will remove legacy hazards and potential liabilities.
Donor Stewardship: Investing in infrastructure not only benefits the cats but also enhances the ability to fulfill our mission and serve the community. Prudent and responsible financial management to date has positioned us to be able to invest in our future and minimise future exposure.
Long-Term Vision: Investing in our infrastructure is part of a comprehensive strategy to build a sustainable and resilient Cat Haven that can continue to provide high-quality care for the cats for years to come. The redevelopment lays the foundation for future growth and success.
Community Impact: A modernised shelter will attract more visitors, volunteers, and support from the community, leading to increased awareness, engagement, and collaboration on cat welfare issues. Our enhanced capacity will ensure we can support the Western Australian community more comprehensively.
Balancing Priorities: We are committed to finding a balance between immediate needs and long-term investments, ensuring that resources are allocated effectively to maximise impact for both the cats and the community.
What consultation has happened and how can I get involved?
Consultation commenced with key staff in late 2023 to ensure functional requirements and building workflows were understood. A designer has been engaged to provide specialist technical input and to further develop the design suitable for development approval.
As the project develops, there will be opportunities for the community to contribute to ways that Cat Haven can celebrate its history.
I am concerned Cat Haven’s identity and the ‘feel’ may change because of the redevelopment, what are you doing to preserve this?
Mission Alignment: Our core mission and values remain unchanged. The redevelopment is aimed at better fulfilling this mission by improving the facilities and services provided to the cats.
Continued Commitment: We dedicated to our primary objective of rescuing cats from the perils of the streets. The redevelopment is intended to enhance our ability to fulfill this commitment, rather than detract from it.
Animal-Centric Approach: Every decision regarding the redevelopment is being made with the cats’ best interests in mind. This includes considerations such as providing comfortable living spaces, enriching environments, and high-quality veterinary care.
Maintaining Core Values: Our core values, such as integrity, respect, kindness, and ongoing improvement, will continue to guide all aspects of our operations, even amidst changes brought about by the redevelopment.
Open Communication: We will maintain open lines of communication throughout the redevelopment process to address any concerns or questions that arise. This will be undertaken through regular project updates and forums to allow our members and the wider community the opportunity to understand the project and its benefits in more detail.