Links and Resources

Getting to Zero (G2Z) – A ground-breaking community-based program aimed at reducing the euthanasia of healthy and treatable companion animals in Australia, developed by the Animal Welfare League of Queensland. Cat Haven is G2Z's WA representative.

NARGA - National Animal Rescue Groups of Australia - providing support for and representing animal rescue groups, refuges, foster carers and volunteers around Australia.

RSPCA WA – The official website of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Western Australia. The RSPCA is the primary authority enforcing the Animal Welfare Act 2002. - Western Suburbs Regional Organisation of Councils (WESROC) - promoting responsible cat ownership. - MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute) is an academic open-access publisher. Read diverse peer-reviewed, scientific, open access, electronic journals. Benefits of Fee Free Adoption click here to read paper.

SAFE (Saving Animals From Euthanasia) – A WA animal welfare organisation that operates across the state.

Department of Local Government (WA) - The Department of Local Government is responsible for the administration of the Cat Act 2011, WA's first statewide cat laws. Cat Haven is a member of the Department's Cat Act Implementation Committee.

Department of Agriculture and Food (WA) - The Department of Agriculture and Food is responsible for administering the Animal Welfare Act 2002. It assumed this power from the Department of Local Government in 2011.

PetMD - A popular resource of veterinary information for companion animals. Disclaimer: This site is for information purposes only. If your pet needs veterinary care, you should always consult your veterinarian. Cat Haven does not assume responsibility for the accuracy of the information on

Cat Allergy – Provides information on cat allergies and lists a number of solutions to common cat allergy problems.

LOLCats - The world's most popular resource for cute and funny cat pictures. - Click here for info about keeping your cat indoors to protect Australian native wildlife.

We are aware of an emerging issue regarding the HomeSafeID microchip registry.

From 2011 cats adopted from Cat Haven had their microchip registered with HomeSafeID.

If your pet is microchipped, ensuring your contact details are up-to-date with the microchip registry is crucial. If your pet ever goes missing, a microchip significantly increases the chances of being reunited - but only if your details are correct! With the HomeSafe ID microchip registry shutting down, now is the time to act and transfer your pet’s details to another microchip registry.

If your pet is registered with HomeSafeID, you will need to change your microchip registration to another company.

What you need to do:

  1. Find your cat’s microchip number. This will be located on your adoption paperwork from Cat Haven. If you need to get your cat’s microchip number from Cat Haven please fill in the form below.

*Please note if you adopted before 2013 we will not be able to find your cats microchip number, Please contact your vet as they will also have their number on file.

  1. Once you have your cats microchip number, visit Pet Address by clicking here and login, once logged in you can check where your cat’s microchip is registered. If it happens to be HomeSafeID you will need to re-register their microchip with another service.
  2. Using one of the services below please apply to have your cat registered
  3. We also recommend that your pet wears a visible ID tag at all times. This means If they are found the finder will be able to contact you and return your cat to you directly
AUSTRALIAN ANIMAL REGISTRY visit their website here
  • Australian Animal Registry’s charge for registration is $15.00
CENTRAL ANIMAL RECORDS visit their website here
  • Central Animal Records is offering a discounted rate of $11.99
GLOBAL MICRO ANIMAL REGISTRY visit their website here
  • Global are accepting re-registrations from HomeSafeID clients in Australia and are reducing fees
PETSAFE visit their website here  
  • Petsafe has a $10 admin fee.
What is my pet’s microchip number?
If you don’t know your pets microchip number or have lost their paperwork with their registration details, you can click here to fill our form and we will check our database and send you your cats microchip number. Alternatively you can contact your vet as they will have your cat’s microchip on file too.
Why do I need to change to another microchip registry?
HomeSafeID has closed down and is no longer working, if your cat goes missing and is brought to a vet clinic or shelter, when they are scanned your details won’t come up, which makes it very difficult to find and contact you when we receive your cat.
How do I change my details on my cat’s microchip?
If you don’t have a HomeSafeID microchip but need to update your details you can still use Pet Address here and check where your cat is microchipped, then log into the subsequent company cant update your phone, email or address.
What does it cost to change to another microchip registry?
Changing to a new microchip registry can cost $10 and over. Its usually a small fee, but if your cat goes missing and their microchip isn’t registered, it can be very hard to reunite them with you.