Leaving a Bequest to Cat Haven in your Will

Perhaps a cat has played an important part in your life, or you simply care about cat welfare in WA. Whatever the reasons, have you considered leaving a lasting legacy to Cat Haven by including us in your Will?  We understand that family and friends are at the forefront of your thoughts when making these very important decisions. Legacies are a crucial donate to us, and help  us care for thousands of unwanted cats every
years, cats that may not be given a second chance. We are the only open
admission cat shelter in WA which means we never say “no” to any cat, no matter how full we are. We receive only 3% of our operating costs from State
Government, having the raise the remainder ourselves. That is why your generous in this area will ensure we can continue to care for cats for the next 60
years- just as we have done for the last 60 plus. Our motto for the last 60 plus years. Our motto, is and always will be “every cat matters”.

Leaving a bequest to Cat Haven is the ultimate expression of compassion for the well-being of cats in Western Australia.  For further information on
correct wording please follow this link , or email admin@cathaven.com.au to request a Bequest Program brochure or ring 442 3608 to speak with our CEO.

Rehoming your cats

Everyone one of us, hopes we will outlive our cats, but sometimes life doesn’t work in such ways. In the sad event your cat survives you, Cat Haven will find similar homes to the one your cat has lived in with you. We ask that you remember us in your estate and ensure friends and family are aware of your wishes for us to rehome
them. We will supply you with small card which you can carry in your wallet or
purse which details we are to be contacted in relationship to your cats. We need as much information as possible to know your cats likes and idiosyncrasies to ensure the best match possible and ask you complete our Cat Custodians information sheet. Please email admin@cathaven.com.au to request a Cat Custodians brochure or ring 442 3608 to speak with our CEO.